Wednesday, January 1, 2014

NYE Resolutions for 2014

Every year I think of a couple new years resolutions to tie me over for the year and most of the time the resolutions stay in tact for a good month before I completely forget about them.

So to with hold the tradition of making new years resolutions and forgetting about it, I'm gonna go ahead and list some resolutions for the year and hopefully I'll keep some in mind as this year develops.


1. Own it. As in, muster up some confidence and be proud of what I like. Ok, so maybe I am a little weird, and I am a little awkward and normal people would probably prefer talking about something other than the last regeneration of Doctor Who. But honestly, there's no need to feel ashamed of it. Lexi of 2014- Quit dampening your self esteem over something as stupid as a bad  conversation.

2. Write more. Seriously.

3. Learn to cook entrees other than Top Ramen and eggs. Just because.

4. Think before you speak.

Especially in front of a cute boy. or a potential job employer.

5. Going off of that last resolution, I'm gonna go ahead and put work on my listening skills this year. I tend to zone out unintentionally when someone is speaking, so this year I'm gonna work on being more attentive and present in conversations. ( I guess this can relate all the way back to #1 resolution, since sometimes I'm terrible at keeping a conversation)

6. Don't make promises you can't keep. Simple enough.

OH and a bonus:
Broaden my vocabulary.
 as in stop using "f*cking" as an intensifier. There are other words to emphasize your enthusiasm.

In fact, let's try and tone down the cursing this year.

Those are the only New Year Resolutions I can think of at the moment. I would say "stop using dance as an excuse for not going to the gym" but I'm kind of aiming for realistic resolutions.

Happy New Year!

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